Wednesday, July 13, 2011

CLAS:H - Cosplay Live Action Show Hybrid

Official link:

I will be attending CLAS:H, deemed as Indonesia's first International Cosplay Show
& Japanese Idol Music Concert, next weekend. It's going to be my first time visiting the country, and I look forward to it as I have made quite a few Indonesian friends over the past few years.

Apart from seeing first hand how the local events there are like, I hope to try some of their speciality food as well. Maybe it's time to put my macro lens to some good use, haha!

Anyway that's all for now, so if you are going for the event let's trade name cards. See you there!

PS. For once, I am not attending an overseas event as a VIP... :P

1 comment:

Ice Goddhez Blog said...

Awww I wanted to go! >.<
No money. No time. No leave credits. (T_T)